Jean-Cosme Delaloye is the director of the 2020 documentary HARLEY that premiered at Tribeca Film Festival. In 2018, he directed the Netflix documentary STRAY BULLET. He also directed and produced 2 award-winning feature documentaries in Central America, LA PRENDA (THE PAWN) and BY MY SIDE. LA PRENDA, premiered at Hot Docs in 2015 and screened at major film festivals such as Guadalajara, Thessaloniki and Mill Valley.  Jean-Cosme also directed and produced scores of short documentaries. Among them are RIDING THE DEATH TRAIN (2014), a short film shot in Mexico for  AJ+, and ADOPTED OUT, a short film on undocumented immigrants from Guatemala in the U.S. The film was broadcast on Swiss Television. He has produced several stories for Swiss Public Radio in Honduras. He is the founder of JCDe Productions in Brooklyn, NY.

Trailer of the feature documentary HARLEY (Tribeca 2020) directed and produced by Jean-Cosme Delaloye.

For more information about Ian head to:

Jean-Cosme website

Jean-Cosme instagram

Jean-Cosme twitter